Dear Coven,
Sun eclipse and Beltane Sabbath in April will lead our experiences, emotions, and the magic surrounding spring-infused days to the heights. Is a month that strengthens fresh energies followed by the rebirth of every living creature. Our mood lightens up together with the longer days, and new ideas for the future come onto the horizon. This year April faces interesting heavenly meet-ups of planets, that will shape our plans and dreams for this month.
Sun eclipse
- On the 8th of April, 6:18 PM GMT a Sun eclipse will take place in the sign of Aries. It’s no secret that this sign is powered not only by lively energy but also by the ability to endure and fight. During the eclipse time confrontation and conflict should be the key things to avoid both in your personal and professional life. The energies of the eclipse might trigger our inner fears and doubts leading to the hunt for imaginary enemies, and we might feel that divorce is the only way to solve important issues. However, taming the power of the eclipse is only possible while keeping your cool, refusing heated decisions, and seeking peace of mind. Magic of the god of wisdom Mimir will open ways to tranquility and guard your emotions in this time.
It is believed that the secrets of your inner voice are hidden in the aromas of lavender, opium, sandalwood, vetiver, and labdanum – you can explore those in our magical Mimir candle.
Love magic
- Spring opens our hearts creating beautiful opportunities for new romance or igniting old flames. The love magic of April lies in the exceptional incantations from the old Western European texts. It is believed that the proper choice of color, fragrance, or magical symbols, incantations texts could attract additional magical powers into our daily routine. The magic fragrance of this candle is based on old customs, traditions, and the belief that every plant or aroma has its magical purpose.
Jasmine, black peppercorn, juniper berries, rose, amber, white musk, myrrh, and sandalwood are all meeting to create an aromatic magical soil for your love to grow and flourish.
Sun in Taurus
- On the 19th of April Sun begins its journey in the sign of Taurus encouraging prosperity and stability. While Aries begins the new Zodiac cycle and inspires you to dream and think about new exciting future plans, Taurus comes with determination and a reminder that it is time to act on those goals. This time is dedicated to financial growth and boosting your health. Trust your gut and rely on a more conservative approach. Taurus sign is guarded by Venus planet which is also a ruler of The Empress card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot cards. The secrets and the magic of this archetype will make a great addition to your Taurus friends’ routines.
Since the old days, Venus planet was always surrounded by the magic of almond, rose, jasmine, lilac, myrtle, vanilla, and neroli aromas.
Beltane Sabbath
- The end of April is heated with the sense of the upcoming Beltane Sabbath also known as Walpurgis night celebrated on the 30th of April – the most sensual and romantic of all magical celebrations. Since ancient times this feast marked the wild night where witches celebrated their marriage to the devil, and rituals were performed to harness this energy for protection, fertility, and prosperity. The bonfires lit during Walpurgis Night are thought to purify and cleanse the land, warding off malevolent forces and ensuring a bountiful harvest in the coming months. The goddess of love Freya is the most precious guest of this night spreading love magic and romance.
The most iconic love aromas lie in the scent of rose, jasmine, geranium, ylang-ylang, verbena, neroli, and rosewood. All of those aromas play beautifully connecting in our magical Freya rune candle.
Let’s meet on our social media afterward!
Let the spell begin!