Magical Recipes of December
Dear Witches,
We are happy to share the first magical recipes of December with you! Organic essential oils born in Smells Like Spells coven lead every witch to inspirational discoveries. In old customs, traditions it is believed that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose and aromatherapeutic role. From now on a monthly creative ritual of creating your own magical oil blend will become our tradition.
Let’s warm the frosty December days with few drops of cinnamon essential oil. Its aroma brings joy and warmth, fights depression, and emotional frigidity. Cinnamon empowers optimism and self-confidence therefore self-pity and failures of the past can be defeated. Personality awakened by the cinnamon magic is more courageous and creative.
Step into the world of aromas and let yourself experiment. Mixing different organic oils and trying magical formulas will point you towards the most desired combination of smells and spells.
1/3 Cinnamon bark essential oil
1/3 Spearmint essential oil
1/3 Rosemary essential oil
2/7 Cinnamon bark essential oil
3/7 Sweet orange essential oil
2/7 Clove bud essential oil
Magical love blend
2/6 Cinnamon bark essential oil
1/6 Geranium essential oil
1/6 Vanilla essential oil
1/6 Neroli essential oil
1/6 Rosewood essential oil
Magical forget-me blend
1/3 Cinnamon bark essential oil
1/3 Citronella essential oil
1/3 Juniper wood essential oil
Don’t wait till Christmas and begin your magical rituals immediately – order now and our magical products will reach you in 5 days worldwide!
Explore more magical recipes of December and other rituals on our social media too!