Politiques des cookies

UAB “Magijos Smellas”, company code 300110300, registered address Mėsinių g. 7, Vilnius (the “Company”), for the purposes of protecting the personal data of your online store customers, shall make available these Cookies Terms of Use (the “Terms”).

The Company notifies that cookies are used on the Company’s website. The Company undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of the cookies and to use them strictly in accordance with the applicable laws of the Republic of Lithuania and the Personal Data Processing Rules approved by the Director of the Company, which you can access here.

Cookies are small text files, created by the website visited, that contain data. They are stored on the visitor’s computer to give the user access to various functions. Both session cookies and non-session cookies are used on this website (the “Site”). A session cookie is temporarily stored in the computer memory while the visitor is browsing the website. This cookie is erased when the user closes their web browser or after a certain time has passed (meaning that the session expires). A non-session cookie remains on the visitor’s computer until it is deleted.

We use cookies to learn more about the way visitors interact with our content and help us to improve the experience when visiting our Site.

The share function is used by visitors to recommend our Site and content on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Cookies store information on how visitors use the share function – although not at an individual level – so that the Site can be improved. If you do not accept cookies, no information is stored.

For some of the functions within our Site we use third party suppliers, for example, when you visit a page with videos embedded from or links to YouTube. These videos or links (and any other content from third party suppliers) may contain third party cookies and you may wish to consult the policies of these third party websites for information regarding their use of cookies.

This Site uses Google Analytics which use cookies. At the aggregate level, cookies store information on how visitors use the Site, including the number of pages displayed, where the visitor comes from, and the number of visits, to improve the website and ensure a good user experience. If you do not accept cookies, no information is stored.

We will not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information about a visitor.

However you can choose to reject or block the cookies set by changing your browser settings – see the “Help function” within your browser for further details. Please note that most browsers automatically accept cookies so if you do not wish cookies to be used, you may need to actively delete or block the cookies.

For information on the use of cookies in mobile phone browsers and for details on how to reject or delete such cookies, please refer to your mobile phone manual.


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Paramètres de confidentialité

Lorsque vous visitez un site Web, il peut stocker ou récupérer des informations sur votre navigateur, principalement sous forme de cookies. Contrôlez vos services de cookies personnels ici.

Ces cookies sont nécessaires au fonctionnement du site Web et ne peuvent pas être désactivés dans nos systèmes.

Nous utilisons WooCommerce comme système d'achat. Pour le panier et le traitement des commandes, 2 cookies seront stockés. Ces cookies sont strictement nécessaires et ne peuvent pas être désactivés.
  • wc_cart_hash_#
  • wc_fragments

Pour des raisons de performances, nous utilisons Cloudflare en tant que réseau CDN. Cela enregistre un cookie "__cfduid" pour appliquer les paramètres de sécurité sur une base par client. Ce cookie est strictement nécessaire pour les fonctionnalités de sécurité de Cloudflare et ne peut pas être désactivé.
  • CF_Session

Afin d'utiliser ce site Web, nous utilisons les cookies techniquement requis suivants.
  • wordpress_test_cookie
  • wordpress_logged_in_
  • wordpress_sec
  • _grecaptcha
  • cookies.js
  • phpsessid
  • rc::a
  • rc::b
  • rc::c
  • wp-wpml_current_language
  • wordpress_gdpr_allowed_services
  • wordpress_gdpr_cookies_allowed
  • wordpress_gdpr_cookies_declined
  • consent

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