
We respect every customer and their right to privacy. We guarantee that the data and other information provided in the e-store registration form will only be collected and processed for the purpose of confirming your order, drawing up financial documents, and delivering goods or contacting you on time or at any appropriate address, suggestions, etc. Be careful – provide accurate and correct details in the registration form. Your data is processed in a secure manner (SSL certificate) which protects them against unauthorized disclosure, destruction, alteration or other similar unlawful act. We do not share your personal information, this information is used for statistical and marketing purposes only. Such collection of statistical data does not disclose your identity and we reserve the right to transfer this data to a third party. All your personal information is handled in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Lithuania. Without your consent, your personal data will not be used for purposes other than those listed, unless required by applicable laws or regulations of the Republic of Lithuania. By using the services provided by our online store, you agree that the personal data you voluntarily submit on the registration form will be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We have the right to amend this Privacy Policy in whole or in part, subject to prior written notification. All disagreements between the parties regarding compliance with and compliance with these rules shall be settled by negotiation. Failing agreement, the disagreements will be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

Through our direct activities and communication with you, we truly:

  • We do not collect or store your browsing history on third party websites;
  • We do not transmit any data related to your browsing our site that could identify you.

We use organizational and technical powers to ensure that the personal data you provide is protected from any unauthorized interference: alteration, disclosure or destruction of personal data, identity theft, fraud.

Our internal organizational system is designed to allow access to and processing of your personal data only by authorized persons, but we have restricted access to your personal data even when they are completely personalized to perform their job functions. Therefore, your personal data is protected to the highest standards of security.

To fully protect your personal information, we recommend that you pay attention and ensure that your personal information is not visible to unauthorized persons when accessing our online store and that it is properly protected. We advise you to change your login password on a regular basis, and to keep your payment cards and other data, which could compromise the security and privacy of your personal data.

Our website is protected by a security protocol that relies on a Data Encryption System Certificate (SSL). The web address for such a store has the letter “s”: “https: //”.

We collect and use personal data in a transparent and fair manner, which is why your contribution to data processing is important to us. You may participate in the processing of your personal data in the following ways:

  • independently adjust, correct, modify your personal data in your personal account;
  • contact us with a request to rectify your personal data in the event that, after accessing your personal data, you determine that the data is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate;
  • contact us with a request for the destruction of your personal data if, after accessing your personal data, you decide that: (i) your personal data are not required for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; (ii) you wish to revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data; (iii) we process your personal data unlawfully;
  • not consent to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes;
  • apply to the State Personal Data Protection Inspectorate, which supervises the processing of personal data.

We may restrict the collection and use of your personal information if you decide that your personal information is:

  • inaccurate (processing of personal data in this case will be limited to checking the accuracy of the data);
  • processed illegally but you do not consent to the deletion of your data;
  • necessary to assert, enforce or defend legal requirements;
  • processed in the event that you object to such processing of personal data (processing will be limited to the time necessary to verify that the reasons for which we process your personal data are necessary).

You can get involved in personal data processing:

  • on your personal www.smellslikespells.lt account;
  • by sending a request by email to [email protected];
  • You are always welcome in our studio at Mėsinių g. 7, Vilnius.

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  • CF_Session

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  • wordpress_test_cookie
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  • _grecaptcha
  • cookies.js
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  • wp-wpml_current_language
  • wordpress_gdpr_allowed_services
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  • wordpress_gdpr_cookies_declined
  • consent

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