Rune candle FREYA
€21,00We crafted this hand-made scented rune candle with a magical aroma for all lonely souls who long for desire, excitement and the wind of new love. The rune candle’s magical aroma might help to:
- Attract a new person of your dreams;
- Forge a harmonious and close relationship;
- Find happiness and joy in such a relationship;
- Add love and material joy.
In Norse mythology Freyja was the goddess of fertility, love and passion. Freyja was considered to be the most desired goddess. Her love was sought by giants and gods, but she agreed to marry only the chief god Odin. The Norse goddess Freya corresponds to Venus or Aphrodite in the pantheon of Ancient Greek and Roman gods.
Scented tealight candles FREYA
€11,00We crafted these hand-made scented tealight candles with a magical aroma for all lonely souls who long for desire, excitement and the wind of new love. The tealight candles magical aroma might help to:
- Attract a new person of your dreams;
- Forge a harmonious and close relationship;
- Find happiness and joy in such a relationship;
- Add love and material joy.
In Norse mythology Freya was the goddess of fertility, love and passion. Freya was considered to be the most desired goddess. Her love was sought by giants and gods, but she agreed to be lover only with the chief god Odin. The Norse goddess Freya corresponds to Venus or Aphrodite in the pantheon of Ancient Greek and Roman gods.
Scented candle FREYA
€25,00We crafted this hand-made scented candle with a magical aroma for all lonely souls who long for desire, excitement and the wind of new love. The candle’s magical aroma might help to:
- Attract a new person of your dreams;
- Forge a harmonious and close relationship;
- Find happiness and joy in such a relationship;
- Add love and material joy.
In Norse mythology Freyja was the goddess of fertility, love and passion. Freyja was considered to be the most desired goddess. Her love was sought by giants and gods, but she agreed to marry only the chief god Odin. The Norse goddess Freya corresponds to Venus or Aphrodite in the pantheon of Ancient Greek and Roman gods.
Natural incense FREYA
€7,00This hand-made natural incense is dedicated to all lonely souls who long for desire, excitement and the wind of new love. The magical aroma of the incense might:
- Attract a new person of your dreams;
- Forge a harmonious and close relationship;
- Find happiness and joy in such a relationship;
- Create a sensuous romantic atmosphere for you and your beloved.
In Norse mythology Freya was the goddess of fertility, love and passion. Freya was considered to be the most desired goddess. Her love was sought by giants and gods, but she agreed to marry only the chief god Odin. The Norse goddess Freya corresponds to Venus or Aphrodite in the pantheon of Ancient Greek and Roman gods.
Essential oil blend FREYA
€15,00We crafted this organic essential oil blend with a magical aroma for all lonely souls who long for desire, excitement and the wind of new love. The organic essential oil blend aroma might help to:
- Attract a new person of your dreams;
- Forge a harmonious and close relationship;
- Find happiness and joy in such a relationship;
- Add love and material joy.
In Norse mythology Freyja was the goddess of fertility, love and passion. Freyja was considered to be the most desired goddess. Her love was sought by giants and gods, but she agreed to marry only the chief god Odin. The Norse goddess Freya corresponds to Venus or Aphrodite in the pantheon of Ancient Greek and Roman gods.
CINNAMON BARK essential oil
€11,00Cinnamonum Zeylanicum L.
It is believed that its aroma brings joy and warmth, fights depression and emotional frigidity. It composes a cozy atmosphere of self-confidence. Old folk recipes tell that cinnamon creates an inspiring and creative mood, expands, warms, positively affects aura, boosts optimism, integrity of personality, confidence in one’s strength and self-esteem. The fragrance of cinnamon is a great measure for reducing self-pitying and clinging to unlucky past. It lights and brightens personality. It is believed that by using cinnamon bark essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- mental focus;
- new romantic relations;
- success in learning and career;
- break toxic relations.
VANILLA essential oil
€19,00Vanilla plantifolia
Vanilla essential oil and vanilla it self homeland is Mexico, Panama, and Antilles. The Aztecs highly valued vanilla as a spice. In ancient times healers used vanilla’s fragrance for treating mental illnesses and nervous breakdowns. Vanilla’s aroma is believed to induce the feeling of safety at the subconscious level and to relieve from anxiety and fears. This fragrance soothes, helps to reduce anger and other negative emotions. If you are willing to talk to someone sincerely, want a person to open up to you and trust you, scenting the room with vanilla will help. It is believed that by using vanilla essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- new romantic relations;
- blooming youth;
- wild passion;
- break toxic relations.
ROSEWOOD essential oil
€9,00Dalbergia sissoo
The aroma of rosewood in ancient folk recipes is especially valued for its effect on emotions, thus being an effective antidepressant. It is particularly recommended for women who lack confidence in their charm and sexual maturity. Rosewood aroma is also considered a good remedy against frigidity both in women and men, and, in the latter case, against impotence. Rosewood substances calm the nervous system, reduce anger and irritability, sooth and open the heart. Rosewood aroma and substances helps to detract thoughts from everyday problems, renew and cleanse thinking, help to make correct decisions. It also gives a sense of safety and help to connect to subtle spiritual energies and to open one’s heart. Moreover, it takes away unnecessary anger, disappointment and sadness. People who often inhale rosewood aroma are believed to induce positive feelings towards themselves. Rosewood aroma is a miraculous energizing remedy for heart and mind, it reduces jealousy, anger and helps to free a person from suspicion. It is believed that by using rosewood essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- new romantic relations;
- wild passion;
- blooming youth;
- repel negative energy.
SWEET ORANGE essential oil
€8,00Citrus sinensis
It is believed sweet orange essential oil helps to open the heart, frees from sadness, nervousness and anxiety. It has a relaxing effect on some people, while in others it works as an energizer and wards off melancholy. Ancient folk recipes tell that sweet orange essential oil boosts optimism, natural charm and self-confidence, restores aura after serious illness or emotional stress. Sweet orange essential oil is recommended in need of spiritual warmth. In magic orange is particularly related to the ability to attract love. It is believed that by using sweet orange essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- new romantic relations;
- success in learning and career;
- restless vivacity;
- repel negative energy.
Scented candle THE LOVERS
€58,00We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.
This candle marked with number 6 of the Major Arcana – The Lovers. This archetype is, first of all, a symbol of true, elemental, romantic love that makes one go head over heals. It is Heaven on Earth. However, at the same time The Lovers remind that love is often blind, therefore it is necessary to keep balance between heart and mind, between personal desires and universal human values. Everything in the world is dual, everything has a counterbalance: light cannot exist without shadow, fire cannot burn without wind, and the earth cannot bear fruit without water. When to reap and when to sow? Why is it necessary to choose? Which path is the right one? The answer is simple – the one you love.
Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Lovers, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Lovers manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical grapefruit, orange blossoms, vanilla, ambergris, liquorice, oriental spices, rhubarb fragrance may help to keep balance between heart and mind, between personal desires and universal human values.
YLANG-YLANG essential oil
€10,00Cananga odorata
It is believed that ylang-ylang has a stimulating erotic effect, aphrodisiac properties, boosts sexual desire. Ancient folk recipes tell that the aroma improves mood and helps to reveal the most secret feelings. This is one of the most erotic and romantic scents, enhances frigidity and impotence. It is a “Pleasure” oil. The energy of this oil attracts love and the positivity, increases the energy shell, restores its symmetry, helps to improve the upper energy centers (chakras). In ancient times the essence of ylang-ylang was used for ritual burning of incense. It is believed that by using ylang-ylang essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- new romantic relations;
- wild passion;
- blooming youth;
- repel negative energy.
CLOVE BUD essential oil
€9,00Syzygium aromaticum L
It is believed clove bud aroma brings warmth, spreads harmony, security and a feeling of peacefulness. Ancient recipes tell that clove bud essential oil gives a sense of peace and warmth, hepls to overcome negative experience, nervousness, doubts and fears, developes personal growth, helps to balance emotions after traumatic events, surgeries and ilnessness. For people interested in dreams and other subtle information that reaches a person, it may be important that clove oil is thought to attract prophetic dreams and act as a protection. It also reduces deep-rooted tension and the resulting tremor and mental strain. It is believed that by using clove bud essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- success in learning and career;
- boost masculine energy;
- wild passion;
- repel negative energy.
LEMON essential oil
€8,00Citrus limonum
Lemon fruits were highly valued and widely used by ancient and Middle ages doctors. The Egyptians used lemons to treat food poisoning and typhus. The Europeans considered lemons a good remedy against plague, malaria and fever, also an antidote from snake bites. Herbalists advised using lemon juice to lower blood-pressure, to cleanse toxins from the liver and to ease joint aches. Avicenna described lemons as the best remedy for the heart and recommended using them during pregnancy and for treating liver diseases. English seamen used to take lemons on board in order to avoid scurvy. In the middle of 17th century the healing properties of lemons were acknowledged officially. Lemon scent helps to successfully adapt and dwell in new conditions, with new people, strengthens life goals, awakens creativity at work and in the family. It also helps to overcome difficult situations. It is believed that by using lemon essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- excellent health and physical strenght;
- focus in achieving your goals;
- wild passion;
- repel negative energy.
NEROLI essential oil
€17,00Citrus aurantium
The name “Neroli” comes after a 17th century Italian princess who lived in Nerola and adored this scent, thus boosting its popularity across the whole Italy. It is believed orange blossom aroma possesses soothing ant antiseptic qualities, acts as an aphrodisiac, helps fight depression and anxiety, and boosts mood. It can be used before any stressful occasion – an interview, examination, public appearance, etc. In cases of insomnia, take a bath with several drops of neroli or diffuse some of it in the evening. In Italy orange blossoms were traditionally used for making bridal crowns. It is believed that by using neroli essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- new romantic relations;
- blooming youth;
- wild passion;
- break toxic relations.
JASMINE essential oil
€35,00Jasminum grandiflorum L.
It is believed the aroma of jasmine calms and relieves unpleasant feelings of depression. This scent boosts self-confidence, arouses optimism and euphoria, revitalizes, and energizes. In folk medicine recipes it is said that this fragrance has a positive effect on women’s health, increases self-confidence. The calming properties of jasmine have a particularly positive effect on people with issues of sexual life, especially in cases of impotence and frigidity. In India jasmine used to be called “Moonshine in the garden”. Young girls adorned their hair with jasmine blossoms and used them for cosmetic purposes. Cleopatra is said to have seduced Marc Antony by using jasmine oil during their official meetings in order to arouse his desires. It is believed that by using jasmine essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- the joy of life;
- attract love and happiness;
- blooming youth and beauty.
Scented candle THE EMPRESS
€58,00We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.
This candle is marked with number 3 of the Major Arcana – The Empress. This archetype comprises the four main roles of a woman: Mother, Wife, Lover, and Handmaid. The Empress symbolizes authority, fertility, motherhood, sexuality, beauty, plenty, and wealth, however, at the same time The Empress encompasses excessive control, demonstration of power, overly eager desire to take care of the surroundings, as well as waning or dwindled feminine energy.
Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Empress, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Empress manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical aroma of neroli, roses, ambergris, grapefruits and vanilla will help to harmonize the feminine energy and restore the necessary balance.
GRAPEFRUIT essential oil
€9,00Citrus paradisi
Its fragrance it is believed helps to open the heart, frees from sadness, nervousness and anxiety. It has a relaxing effect on some people, while in others it works as an energizer and wards off melancholy. The energy of grapefruit’s fragrance as ancient folk recipes tell boosts optimism, natural charm and self-confidence, restores aura after serious illness or emotional stress. Grapefruit essential oil is recommended when in need of spiritual warmth. In magic grapefruit is particularly related to the ability to attract love. It is believed that by using grapefruit essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- home harmony;
- new romantic relations;
- wild passion;
- repel negative energy.
ROSE essential oil
€37,00Rosa damascena
The aroma of roses was especially valued for its effect on emotions, thus being an effective antidepressant. In folk medicine rose essential oil was particularly recommended for women who lack confidence in their charm and sexual maturity. It is believed rose substances calm the nervous system, reduce anger and irritability, sooth and open the heart. Rose aroma and substances help to detract thoughts from everyday problems, renew and cleanse thinking, help to make correct decisions. They also give a sense of safety and help to connect to subtle spiritual energies and to open one’s heart. Rose aroma is a miraculous energizing remedy for heart and mind, it reduces jealousy, anger and helps to free a person from suspicion. It is believed that by using rose essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- the joy of life;
- attract love and happiness;
- blooming youth and beauty;
MANDARIN essential oil
€9,00Citrus reticulata
It is believed this essential oil helps to open the heart, frees from sadness, nervousness and anxiety. It has a relaxing effect on some people, while in others it works as an energizer and wards off melancholy. Mandarin essential oil as ancient folk recipes tell boosts optimism, natural charm and self-confidence, restores aura after serious illness or emotional stress. Mandarin essential oil is recommended in need of spiritual warmth. In magic mandarin is particularly related to the ability to attract love. It is believed that by using mandarin essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- new romantic relations;
- success in learning and career;
- restless vivacity;
- repel negative energy.
GERANIUM essential oil
€14,00Pelargonium graveolens
It is believed geranium aroma helps to decrease stress and to release pleasant memories, balances emotions and at the same time calms, brings back inner tranquility and hope. As ancint folk recipes tell the aroma decreases the fear to love, to commit and be abandoned, helps to become more loving. The aroma of geranium helps to open up one’s heart and relieve painful memories from the past. It also decreases mood swings. It is believed that by using geranium essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- hopeful inspirations;
- new romantic relations;
- blooming youth and beauty;
- break toxic relations.
Fragrance diffuser FREYA
€49,00 – €69,00We devote this handcrafted home perfume to the Norse goddess of love Freya. We believe that the magical fragrance of this home perfume and a simple meditation/affirmation ritual (its description is included with the home perfume) and Freya’s assistance might help to:
- Attract a new person of your dreams;
- Forge a harmonious and close relationship;
- Find happiness and joy in such a relationship;
- Add love and material joy.
In Norse mythology Freya was the goddess of fertility, love and passion. Freya was considered to be the most desired goddess. Her love was sought by giants and gods, but she agreed to marry only the chief god Odin. The Norse goddess Freya corresponds to Venus or Aphrodite in the pantheon of Ancient Greek and Roman gods.
The unique formula of this home perfume was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of jasmine, lilac and orange blossoms, rich and intense notes of geranium, mango, rose and saffron, followed by luxurious notes of ambergris, cedar, frankincense, white musk and our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time. By just one additional fresh perfume you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.
WHITE PEPPER essential oil
€19,00Piper nigrum
It is blieved that their aroma helps to reduce pain, activates blood circulation, has a warming quality and a positive effect on aching muscles and joints, stimulates and energizes in cases of weariness, fatigue, and emotional frigidity, stimulates appetite, relaxes, helps to reduce fever and positively affects digestion. Aromas of peppers, just like all tangy spices, cleanse the energy field, helps to get rid of negative energy and protect against harmful surrounding effects. It is believed that by using atlas cedarwood essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- restless vivacity;
- blooming youth;
- wild passion;
- break toxic relations.
Scented candle THE EMPEROR
€58,00We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.
This candle is marked with number 4 of the Major Arcana – The Emperor. This archetype comprises the four main roles of a man: Father, Husband, Lover, Servant. The Emperor symbolizes authority, fertility, fatherhood, concern, authority, and the strength of a personality, however, at the same time The Emperor encompasses excessive control, demonstration of power, overly eager desire to take care of the surroundings, as well as waning or dwindled masculine energy. When overly strict, The Emperor might also turn into a dictator.
Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Emperor, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Emperor manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical aroma of cedar, saffron, ambergris, patchouli, and myrrh will help to harmonize the masculine energy and restore the necessary balance.
TANGERINE essential oil
€9,00Citrus reticulata
It is believed that tangerine essential oil helps to open the heart, frees from sadness, nervousness and anxiety. It has a relaxing effect on some people, while in others it works as an energizer and wards off melancholy. Ancient folk recipes tell that tangerine essential oil boosts optimism, natural charm and self-confidence, restores aura after serious illness or emotional stress. Tangerine essential oil is recommended in need of spiritual warmth. In magic tangerine is particularly related to the ability to attract love. It is believed that by using tangerine essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:
- daily vivacity;
- success in learning and career;
- new romantic relations;
- repel negative energy.
Scented candle Western Europe Incantations (S)
€650,00We created this collection of scented candles inspired by incantation texts from different parts of the world. Having collected a large collection of texts, we entrusted their interpretation to probably the most famous Lithuanian silkscreen artist M. P. Vilutis.
“The hand must be a perfect instrument, automatically recreating an image that comes from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Only then is creativity a spiritual activity and not some handicraft. <…> An artist is a slave to his own artistic nature, to his ability to accumulate images that come from somewhere. He is pregnant with these images. <…> Should we try to explain incantations? No. Incantations are a mystery by itself.”
Incantation texts interpretated by M.P. Vilutis are like a unstoppable kaleidoscope of magical symbols adorning the handmade porcelain jars, each of which is marked with a unique authenticity number, which contains number of art piece, quantity of prints in an edition and number of the edition.
N.B. Incantations collection candles will be poured specially for you, so the crafting time for this collection will take up to 5-10 working days.
Scented candle Western Europe Incantations (L)
€990,00We created this collection of scented candles inspired by incantation texts from different parts of the world. Having collected a large collection of texts, we entrusted their interpretation to probably the most famous Lithuanian silkscreen artist M. P. Vilutis.
“The hand must be a perfect instrument, automatically recreating an image that comes from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Only then is creativity a spiritual activity and not some handicraft. <…> An artist is a slave to his own artistic nature, to his ability to accumulate images that come from somewhere. He is pregnant with these images. <…> Should we try to explain incantations? No. Incantations are a mystery by itself.”
Incantation texts interpretated by M.P. Vilutis are like a unstoppable kaleidoscope of magical symbols adorning the handmade porcelain jars, each of which is marked with a unique authenticity number, which contains number of art piece, quantity of prints in an edition and number of the edition.
N.B. Incantations collection candles will be poured specially for you, so the crafting time for this collection will take up to 5-10 working days.
Scented candle Eastern Europe Incantations (S)
€650,00We created this collection of scented candles inspired by incantation texts from different parts of the world. Having collected a large collection of texts, we entrusted their interpretation to probably the most famous Lithuanian silkscreen artist M. P. Vilutis.
“The hand must be a perfect instrument, automatically recreating an image that comes from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Only then is creativity a spiritual activity and not some handicraft. <…> An artist is a slave to his own artistic nature, to his ability to accumulate images that come from somewhere. He is pregnant with these images. <…> Should we try to explain incantations? No. Incantations are a mystery by itself.”
Incantation texts interpretated by M.P. Vilutis are like a unstoppable kaleidoscope of magical symbols adorning the handmade porcelain jars, each of which is marked with a unique authenticity number, which contains number of art piece, quantity of prints in an edition and number of the edition.
N.B. Incantations collection candles will be poured specially for you, so the crafting time for this collection will take up to 5-10 working days.