
It is believed that bergamot fragrance is one of the most effective aromas for fighting undesirable spiritual and psychological conditions. In old folk recipes bergamot fragrance is often attributed the qualities of mood booster, while at the same time it helps to relax. Bergamot aroma calms, revitalizes, helps to fight fatigue and stress. A bride’s bouquet, perfumed with this bergamot fragrance, will ensure the success of the future marriage.

    • Scented candle Northern America Incantations (L)


      We created this collection of scented candles inspired by incantation texts from different parts of the world. Having collected a large collection of texts, we entrusted their interpretation to probably the most famous Lithuanian silkscreen artist M. P. Vilutis.

      “The hand must be a perfect instrument, automatically recreating an image that comes from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Only then is creativity a spiritual activity and not some handicraft. <…> An artist is a slave to his own artistic nature, to his ability to accumulate images that come from somewhere. He is pregnant with these images. <…> Should we try to explain incantations? No. Incantations are a mystery by itself.”

      Incantation texts interpretated by M.P. Vilutis are like a unstoppable kaleidoscope of magical symbols adorning the handmade porcelain jars, each of which is marked with a unique authenticity number, which contains number of art piece, quantity of prints in an edition and number of the edition.


      N.B. Incantations collection candles will be poured specially for you, so the crafting time for this collection will take up to 5-10 working days.

    • Scented candle Northern America Incantations (S)


      We created this collection of scented candles inspired by incantation texts from different parts of the world. Having collected a large collection of texts, we entrusted their interpretation to probably the most famous Lithuanian silkscreen artist M. P. Vilutis.

      “The hand must be a perfect instrument, automatically recreating an image that comes from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Only then is creativity a spiritual activity and not some handicraft. <…> An artist is a slave to his own artistic nature, to his ability to accumulate images that come from somewhere. He is pregnant with these images. <…> Should we try to explain incantations? No. Incantations are a mystery by itself.”

      Incantation texts interpretated by M.P. Vilutis are like a unstoppable kaleidoscope of magical symbols adorning the handmade porcelain jars, each of which is marked with a unique authenticity number, which contains number of art piece, quantity of prints in an edition and number of the edition.


      N.B. Incantations collection candles will be poured specially for you, so the crafting time for this collection will take up to 5-10 working days.

    • Fragrance diffuser EIR


      We devote this hand crafted home perfume to the Norse goddess Eir. For this we created magical scent that symbolizes nature’s forces, harvest, abundance and health. We believe that this aroma might also help you regain your physical strength. This home perfume might help to gain the favor of the medicine and health goddess Eir. With her help you might:

      • Gain physical and spiritual powers;
      • Strengthen your physical body and immunity;
      • Get help when battling illnesses;
      • Harmonize the body’s energy centers and points;
      • Protect your physical body from illnesses.

      In Norse mythology the chief god Odin’s wife Frigga had many companions, friends and maids. One of her best and most loyal companions was Eir – the goddess of health.

      The unique formula of this home perfume was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of bergamot, helichrysum, lemon, mint, sweet orange and thyme, rich and intense notes of black peppercorn, oriental spices and saffron, followed by luxurious notes of cedar, myrrh and our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time.  By just one additional fresh perfume you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.

    • Fragrance diffuser NORNS


      We devote this handcrafted home perfume to the Norse goddesses of success norns. We believe that the magical fragrance of this home perfume and a simple meditation/affirmation ritual (its description is included with the home perfume) and norns’ assistance might help to:

      • Attract personal luck;
      • Guide the events towards a favorable direction;
      • Give you confidence in yourself and your powers;
      • Inspire you for new challenges, ideas, originality and resourcefulness.

      In Norse mythology norns are female beings that rule the destiny of a child when it is born. In their function they are similar to Greek Moirai. They live under the roots of the destiny tree Yggdrasill, everyday they pour over them the water from the Well of Urðr and on these roots they carve the destiny of each human.

      The unique formula of this home perfume was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of bergamot, mandarin, mango, orange, rich and intense notes of black peppercorns, cinnamon, clove buds, geranium and water lily followed by luxurious notes of liquorice and  and oriental spices our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time.  By just one additional fresh perfume you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.

    • Fragrance diffuser FREYR


      We devote this handcrafted home perfume to those who aspire to improve their financial situation. Even with a touch of magic financial luck will only come to people who put in some effort, struggle and aim for it. We believe that the magical fragrance of this home perfume and a simple meditation/affirmation ritual (its description is included with the home perfume) and might help to:

      • Open paths and opportunities for financial flows to reach your home;
      • Realize your plans related to the material plane of life;
      • Plan income and expense;
      • Protect your material wealth from unexpected expense and jealousy of others.

      In Norse mythology, god Freyr is the patron of fertility and prosperity. With the help of Freyr this home perfume will allow to plant a seed of the magical money tree that brings financial wealth to your home.

      The unique formula of this home perfume was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of bergamot, rich and intense notes of white pepper followed by luxurious notes of agarwood, amber, myrrh, opium, patchouli, vetiver, white musk and our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time.  By just one additional fresh perfume you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.

    • Perfumed home spray NORNS


      We devote this handcrafted perfumed home spray to the Norse goddesses of success norns. We believe that the magical fragrance of this perfumed home spray and a simple meditation/affirmation ritual (its description is included with the home spray) and norns’ assistance might help to:

      • Attract personal luck;
      • Guide the events towards a favorable direction;
      • Give you confidence in yourself and your powers;
      • Inspire you for new challenges, ideas, originality and resourcefulness.

      In Norse mythology norns are female beings that rule the destiny of a child when it is born. In their function they are similar to Greek Moirai. They live under the roots of the destiny tree Yggdrasill, everyday they pour over them the water from the Well of Urðr and on these roots they carve the destiny of each human.

      The unique formula of this perfumed home spray was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of bergamot, mandarin, mango, orange, rich and intense notes of black peppercorns, cinnamon, clove buds, geranium and water lily followed by luxurious notes of liquorice and  and oriental spices our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time.  By just one additional fresh spray you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.

    • Perfumed home spray FREYR


      We devote this handcrafted perfumed home spray to those who aspire to improve their financial situation. Even with a touch of magic financial luck will only come to people who put in some effort, struggle and aim for it. We believe that the magical fragrance of this perfumed home spray and a simple meditation/affirmation ritual (its description is included with the home spray) and might help to:

      • Open paths and opportunities for financial flows to reach your home;
      • Realize your plans related to the material plane of life;
      • Plan income and expense;
      • Protect your material wealth from unexpected expense and jealousy of others.

      In Norse mythology, god Freyr is the patron of fertility and prosperity. With the help of Freyr this home spray will allow to plant a seed of the magical money tree that brings financial wealth to your home.

      The unique formula of this perfumed home spray was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of bergamot, rich and intense notes of white pepper followed by luxurious notes of agarwood, amber, myrrh, opium, patchouli, vetiver, white musk and our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time.  By just one additional fresh spray you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.

    • Perfumed home spray EIR


      We devote this hand crafted perfumed home spray to the Norse goddess Eir. For this we created magical scent that symbolizes nature’s forces, harvest, abundance and health. We believe that this aroma might also help you regain your physical strength. This perfumed home spray might help to gain the favor of the medicine and health goddess Eir. With her help you might:

      • Gain physical and spiritual powers;
      • Strengthen your physical body and immunity;
      • Get help when battling illnesses;
      • Harmonize the body’s energy centers and points;
      • Protect your physical body from illnesses.

      In Norse mythology the chief god Odin’s wife Frigga had many companions, friends and maids. One of her best and most loyal companions was Eir – the goddess of health.

      The unique formula of this perfumed home spray was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of bergamot, helichrysum, lemon, mint, sweet orange and thyme, rich and intense notes of black peppercorn, oriental spices and saffron, followed by luxurious notes of cedar, myrrh and our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time.  By just one additional fresh spray you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.

    • Scented candle TEMPERANCE


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 14 of the Major Arcana – Temperance. This archetype holds the absolute balance, harmony and coherence of your personality. It indicates your ability to warm up coldness and cool down hotness, to round off sharp corners and make excessively smooth shapes a bit sharper. The archetype of Temperance symbolizes the ability to create a harmonious whole out of seemingly opposite things. Temperance also forces each of us to ask ourselves the following question: do I, as a personality, radiate only harmony, or do I spread destruction for which I tend to blame circumstances and other people?

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with Temperance, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of Temperance manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical green tea, lime, mint, lavender, eucalyptus, oriental spices fragrance may help you to create a harmonious whole out of seemingly opposite things.

    • Scented candle THE HANGED MAN


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 12 of the Major Arcana – The Hanged Man. When it seems that the whole world is against you, sometimes there’s no need to prove your truth. You know and understand it, and other will grasp it when time comes. Sometimes you have to know how to wait. You don’t need to rush with the others, it’s better to follow your own plan. The Hanged Man is a moment of calmness before the storm and important changes that need time to ripe and that have to be anticipated patiently. The Hanged Man is the archetype of tranquility, waiting, spiritual growth and preparation for changes. Don’t rush, don’t try to bang your head into the wall of stubbornness and stupidity of others.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with The Hanged Man, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Hanged Man manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical mint, lime, green tea, geranium, opium, myrrh, ambergris fragrance may help you not to rush, not to try to bang your head into the wall of stubbornness and stupidity of others.

    • Scented candle THE FOOL


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      This candle is marked with number 0 of the Major Arcana – The Fool. This archetype marks the beginning of a new period in life, a new start, innocence, naivety and inspiration. It is a sign of rebirth, entering a new stage of life and spiritual plane. Only you can decide on how to take best advantage of this breath of fresh air: whether you breathe in and rise above the former everyday life or fail to use new opportunities and prospects.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Fool, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Fool manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical fragrance of geranium, coriander seeds, bergamot, coffee, opium, and sandalwood will give you strength to accomplish your goals, to start a new stage in life, to wake up and see light at the end of the tunnel.

    • Scented candle THE MAGICIAN


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      This candle is marked with number 1 of the Major Arcana – The Magician. It is an archetype that combines physical, mental and spiritual powers. It is the source of will, skills and action. A person that identifies as The Magician skillfully controls the world, all the four elements (earth, water, air, and fire), and is constructive in achieving his or her goals, thus performing miracles. Self-esteem, belief in one’s strengths and powers are the main qualities of The Magician.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Magician, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Magician manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical aroma of orchids, mimosa, bergamot, coriander seeds, cedar, saffron and juniper berries will help to bring out your best qualities, inspire for new challenges and help to accomplish your goals.

    • Scented candle EIR


      In Norse mythology the chief god Odin’s wife Frigga had many companions, friends and maids. One of her best and most loyal companions was Eir – the goddess of health. With her help you might:

      • Gain physical and spiritual powers;
      • Strengthen your physical body and immunity;
      • Get help when battling illnesses;
      • Harmonize the body’s energy centers and points;
      • Protect your physical body from illnesses.

      For this hand-made aromatic candle we created a magical aroma of bergamot, eucalyptus and cedarwood, that symbolizes nature’s forces, harvest, abundance and health. We believe that this aroma might also help you regain your physical strength. This aromatic candle might help to gain the favor of the medicine and health goddess Eir.

    • Rune candle EIR


      In Norse mythology the chief god Odin’s wife Frigga had many companions, friends and maids. One of her best and most loyal companions was Eir – the goddess of health. With her help you might:

      • Gain physical and spiritual powers;
      • Strengthen your physical body and immunity;
      • Get help when battling illnesses;
      • Harmonize the body’s energy centers and points;
      • Protect your physical body from illnesses.

      For this hand-made aromatic rune candle we created a magical aroma, that symbolizes nature’s forces, harvest, abundance and health. We believe that this aroma might also help you regain your physical strength. This aromatic candle might help to gain the favor of the medicine and health goddess Eir.

    • Essential oil blend FREYR


      We dedicate this organic essential oil blend to those who aspire to improve their financial situation. Even with a touch of magic financial luck will only come to people who put in some effort, struggle and aim for it. However, sometimes a bit of supernatural help is necessary and that’s why the magical fragrance of the essential oil blend and a simple meditation/affirmation ritual might help to:

      • Open paths and opportunities for financial flows to reach your home;
      • Realize your plans related to the material plane of life;
      • Plan income and expense;
      • Protect your material wealth from unexpected expense and jealousy of others.

      In Norse mythology, god Freyr is the patron of fertility and prosperity. With the help of Freyr this candle will allow to plant a seed of the magical money tree that brings financial wealth to your home.

    • Scented tealight candles EIR


      In Norse mythology the chief god Odin’s wife Frigga had many companions, friends and maids. One of her best and most loyal companions was Eir – the goddess of health. With her help you might:

      • Gain physical and spiritual powers;
      • Strengthen your physical body and immunity;
      • Get help when battling illnesses;
      • Harmonize the body’s energy centers and points;
      • Protect your physical body from illnesses.

      For these hand-made aromatic tealight candles we created a magical aroma of mint, lime and myrrh, that symbolizes nature’s forces, harvest, abundance and health. We believe that this aroma might also help you regain your physical strength. These aromatic tealight candles might help to gain the favor of the medicine and health goddess Eir.

    • BERGAMOT essential oil


      Citrus bergamia


      It is believed that it is one of the most effective essential oils for fighting undesirable spiritual and psychological conditions. In old folk recipes this essential oil is often attributed the qualities of mood booster, while at the same time it helps to relax. Bergamot essential oil calms, revitalizes, helps to fight fatigue and stress. A bride’s bouquet, perfumed with this essential oil, will ensure the success of the future marriage. It is believed that by using bergamot essential oil and making a simple meditation/affirmation ritual, you can ask for or by giving it as a present you can wish for someone:

      • peacefulness of mind;
      • blooming youth;
      • growing abundance;
      • break toxic relations.

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    • × Soy wax scented candle with wooden wick EIR Smells Like SpellsScented candle EIR  1 × 25,00

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