Major Arcana collection

These handmade luxury candles were crafted based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot cards (Latin arcānus – mystery). It is a person’s spiritual development from birth towards perfection. Each scented candle of this collection is created by original recipes, synchronized of both – traditional folk wisdom and experience, also modern perfumery, candle and incense craft methodology.

The magic fragrance of these candles is based on old customs, traditions and the belief that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose. It is like a witch recipe, where each plant and its aroma have a very important aromatherapy and magic function. The main notes supplement each other with aromatherapy properties and create a high-end fragrance pyramid where each scent has its place in harmony with other aromas.

We pour our candles exclusively from natural soy wax that does not emit toxic chemical compounds when burning; burns three times as long as ordinary candles; does not leave any stains, the spills are easy to clean; does not get hot, as it burns in lower temperature than paraffin, therefore the aroma of the candle emanates slowly and unchanged. We never use any other natural waxes (e.g. palm wax), because we want to create a truly nature-friendly product that would help to preserve natural resources and would not harm the user in any way.

    • Scented candle THE HIGH PRIESTESS


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      This candle is marked with number 2 of the Major Arcana – The High Priestess. This archetype encompasses all that is related to the subconscious, intuition, and premonition. It is the archetype of the divine, supernatural wisdom, that allows you to learn about the most secret corners of your existence and to confront yourself. The High Priestess allows to see the very essence of the situation, to knowledge and understand mysteries that are more than meets the eye.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The High Priestess, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The High Priestess manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical aroma of figs, hibiscus, water lilies, sandalwood, orchids and mimosa will help you to hear and acknowledge yourself, to train your intuition and feel one with the world.

    • Scented candle THE MAGICIAN


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      This candle is marked with number 1 of the Major Arcana – The Magician. It is an archetype that combines physical, mental and spiritual powers. It is the source of will, skills and action. A person that identifies as The Magician skillfully controls the world, all the four elements (earth, water, air, and fire), and is constructive in achieving his or her goals, thus performing miracles. Self-esteem, belief in one’s strengths and powers are the main qualities of The Magician.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Magician, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Magician manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical aroma of orchids, mimosa, bergamot, coriander seeds, cedar, saffron and juniper berries will help to bring out your best qualities, inspire for new challenges and help to accomplish your goals.

    • Scented candle THE SUN


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 19 of the Major Arcana – The Sun. It is the archetype of absolute joy, success and glory, it brings the ability to appreciate the life’s pleasures and the realized desires. The celebration of the results achieved is no less important than the struggle for your goals. Only by letting yourself to appreciate your victories you can start anew or continue tasks, activities, and relationships, while the constant sense of dissatisfaction and thoughts about unfinished tasks, even though the results already achieved are really good, close the door to success.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with The Sun, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Sun manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical helichrysum, cinnamon, mango, oriental spices, grapefruit, vanilla, geranium fragrance may help you to appreciate the life’s pleasures and the realized desires.

    • Scented candle THE LOVERS


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      This candle marked with number 6 of the Major Arcana – The Lovers. This archetype is, first of all, a symbol of true, elemental, romantic love that makes one go head over heals. It is Heaven on Earth. However, at the same time The Lovers remind that love is often blind, therefore it is necessary to keep balance between heart and mind, between personal desires and universal human values. Everything in the world is dual, everything has a counterbalance: light cannot exist without shadow, fire cannot burn without wind, and the earth cannot bear fruit without water. When to reap and when to sow? Why is it necessary to choose? Which path is the right one? The answer is simple – the one you love.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Lovers, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Lovers manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical grapefruit, orange blossoms, vanilla, ambergris, liquorice, oriental spices, rhubarb fragrance may help to keep balance between heart and mind, between personal desires and universal human values.

    • Scented candle THE EMPRESS


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      This candle is marked with number 3 of the Major Arcana – The Empress. This archetype comprises the four main roles of a woman: Mother, Wife, Lover, and Handmaid. The Empress symbolizes authority, fertility, motherhood, sexuality, beauty, plenty, and wealth, however, at the same time The Empress encompasses excessive control, demonstration of power, overly eager desire to take care of the surroundings, as well as waning or dwindled feminine energy.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Empress, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Empress manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical aroma of neroli, roses, ambergris, grapefruits and vanilla will help to harmonize the feminine energy and restore the necessary balance.

    • Scented candle THE STAR


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 17 of the Major Arcana – The Star. This archetype of hope’s joy fills every person’s heart with optimism, positivity and the feeling of the new period of life. Every difficult stage of life becomes easier with the promise of a better period which is necessary for every person’s spiritual growth and formation, as well as for creation of future projections. The Star is not only a symbol of our belief in future, the ability to think positively and shape the model of out future, but it also serves as an inspiration source from which we can constantly draw new ideas and creativity. When looking at the guiding star, we can always ask ourselves the following questions: “Do I believe in better future? How do I view it? What would I like it to be?”

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with The Star, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Star manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical hibiscus, water lily, lilac, lily of the valley, lavender, sandalwood fragrance may help you to believe in future and to think positively.

    • Scented candle THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 10 of the Major Arcana – Wheel of Fortune. This archetype of ups and downs reminds us to rejoice every day about the gifts of Fortuna, because one day we see her face, but the next day she might turn her back on us. The archetype of Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the endless cycle of success constantly being replaced by misfortune, and vice versa. It is a never-ending change that can only be stopped by altering one’s won attitude towards the surrounding events. It is a symbolic wheel of karma – you reap what you sow. It is also a symbol of the Samsara wheel, where death is followed by birth, and birth is followed by death. We can only escape this circle through spiritual growth and by looking at our trials and moments of success as if from above and by understanding their purpose.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Wheel of Fortune, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Wheel of Fortune manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical helichrysum, cinnamon, verbena, myrtle, sandalwood, juniper berries fragrance may help to escape this circle through spiritual growth and by looking at our trials and moments of success as if from above and by understanding their purpose.

    • Scented candle THE WORLD


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 21 of the Major Arcana – The World. It is the archetype of true calling and the perception of meaning of own’s life. It encompasses in itself all the four elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Everyone of us have a lot in our inner worlds: emotional and spiritual wellbeing, goals, aspirations, material wealth and growth, and only we can personally choose which of these elements will become the basis and foundation of our word. Only we can decide which path to take and when to utter the magical phrase: “Ah, linger on, thou art so fair!”. The Tarot card The World can help every one of us to find the true meaning of our lives.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with The World, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The World manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical lilac, orange, cinnamon, almond, liquorice fragrance may help every one of us to find the true meaning of our lives.

    • Scented candle DEATH


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 13 of the Major Arcana – Death. The Death in the Tarot deck is not related to physical death. It is the archetype of change, transformation and metamorphosis, it marks the end of one period or quality and brings a promise of rebirth, resurrection of a higher level or quality. A person most often faces change as a great challenge or event tragedy, a disturbance of the natural flow of life, and not as an opportunity to grow and expand. That’s why the archetype of Death often seems menacing. When one grasps the necessity of constant change, the archetype of Death becomes even pleasant and inspiring. After all, the absence of change never brings any good. Even the darkest night is replaced by morning.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with Death, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of Death manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical lily of the valley, lemongrass, rosemary, lavender, pine and juniper berry fragrance may help you to accept the necessity of constant change and to replace the darkest night by morning.

    • Scented candle THE FOOL


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      This candle is marked with number 0 of the Major Arcana – The Fool. This archetype marks the beginning of a new period in life, a new start, innocence, naivety and inspiration. It is a sign of rebirth, entering a new stage of life and spiritual plane. Only you can decide on how to take best advantage of this breath of fresh air: whether you breathe in and rise above the former everyday life or fail to use new opportunities and prospects.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Fool, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Fool manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical fragrance of geranium, coriander seeds, bergamot, coffee, opium, and sandalwood will give you strength to accomplish your goals, to start a new stage in life, to wake up and see light at the end of the tunnel.

    • Scented candle THE MOON


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 18 of the Major Arcana – The Moon. When the Sun sets and the Moon rises, the secret and unfamiliar nocturnal world is revealed together with our hidden passions, desires, expectations and character traits, which during the day we hide even from ourselves. Our true face, our real “me” emerge only when no one sees us. Only then we truly become ourselves. Sometimes it might seem like a sudden change, but it simply is the release of our deeply hidden essence. The Moon also symbolizes illusions, false hopes, fears and depressive thoughts. When the Sun is away, the whole world looks mysterious and unfamiliar, therefore it might seem to be frightening or even hostile. However, it is not the nocturnal world that is hostile towards us – we ourselves created fears in our minds.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with The Moon, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Moon manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical water lily, fig, white musk, opium, sandalwood fragrance may help you to release your deeply hidden essence.

    • Scented candle JUDGEMENT


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 20 of the Major Arcana – Judgment. This archetype symbolizes resurrection, awakening and illumination, as well as freedom from blindness, routine, cycles and the ever-turning wheel of mistakes and misfortunes. The archetype of Judgment helps to understand the past mistakes, to analyze them and reevaluate the current situation. This new light makes us perceive ourselves and our surroundings and thus we are reborn and able to choose our path towards the better tomorrow. Judgment is like another step towards spiritual resurrection, that lifts us to a new spiritual level. It is a renewal and validation of values. Will you be able to rise from ashes like a phoenix?

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with Judgement, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Judgement manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical eucalyptus, lemongrass, rosemary, coriander seeds, lilac, myrrh fragrance may help you to understand the past mistakes, to analyze them and reevaluate the current situation.

    • Scented candle TEMPERANCE


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 14 of the Major Arcana – Temperance. This archetype holds the absolute balance, harmony and coherence of your personality. It indicates your ability to warm up coldness and cool down hotness, to round off sharp corners and make excessively smooth shapes a bit sharper. The archetype of Temperance symbolizes the ability to create a harmonious whole out of seemingly opposite things. Temperance also forces each of us to ask ourselves the following question: do I, as a personality, radiate only harmony, or do I spread destruction for which I tend to blame circumstances and other people?

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with Temperance, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of Temperance manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical green tea, lime, mint, lavender, eucalyptus, oriental spices fragrance may help you to create a harmonious whole out of seemingly opposite things.

    • Scented candle THE HIGH PRIEST


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      This candle is marked with number 5 of the Major Arcana – The Hierophant. The Hierophant controls tradition, principles, compliance with universal values of humankind. This archetype of the Major Arcana watches over groups of people who seek a common goal, whether it is a family, a band of colleagues or a religious group. The Hierophant conveys the rules of the cosmos, the overwhelming collective wisdom of the mankind.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Hierophant, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Hierophant manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical aroma of juniper berries, liquorice, lilac, myrrh and opium will help to strengthen partnership, harmonize family and encourage teamwork.

    • Scented candle THE EMPEROR


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      This candle is marked with number 4 of the Major Arcana – The Emperor. This archetype comprises the four main roles of a man: Father, Husband, Lover, Servant. The Emperor symbolizes authority, fertility, fatherhood, concern, authority, and the strength of a personality, however, at the same time The Emperor encompasses excessive control, demonstration of power, overly eager desire to take care of the surroundings, as well as waning or dwindled masculine energy. When overly strict, The Emperor might also turn into a dictator.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Emperor, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Emperor manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical aroma of cedar, saffron, ambergris, patchouli, and myrrh will help to harmonize the masculine energy and restore the necessary balance.

    • Scented candle JUSTICE


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 11 of the Major Arcana – Justice. Every action has a reaction, every decision – its consequences. The archetype of Justice symbolizes a moment or a period in life when the most important decisions have to be made. You have to take into account not only your personal interests, universal human values and moral norms, but also the acts of law, because your decisions will impact not only your fate, but also the fates of your loved ones and friends. The archetype of Justice is like a metaphor of the law of conservation of energy: energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed from one form to another.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with Justice, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of Justice manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical hibiscus, green tea, pine, sandalwood, juniper berries fragrance may help you to find the right decision in every situation in your life.

    • Scented candle THE HERMIT


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 9 of the Major Arcana – The Hermit. This archetype holds the entire worldly wisdom which every one of us achieves differently by walking along the path of our lives and constantly improving. Parents taught us the main rules of life, the society tries to impose its moral code on us, but only by confronting ourselves in a moment of solitude and peace we can perceive our waymarks and thus find our path. The Hermit denotes original thinking, the courage to make mistakes in search of truth, the courage to face darkness when leaving the comfort zone, even when in risk to be considered eccentric. To finally find oneself it often is necessary to fall back, to move away from the crowd. Who knows, maybe the truth we find will eventually be seen by others as well?

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Hermit, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Hermit manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical water lily, fig, pine, opium, myrrh fragrance may help to finally find yourself even if it is necessary to fall back, to move away from the crowd.

    • Scented candle STRENGTH


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 8 of the Major Arcana – Strength. The victory of the spirit over physical strength, the victory of compassion and empathy over egocentrism, the victory of honor and nobleness over blind pursuit of a goal – all of this is encompassed by the archetype of Strength. The archetype of Strength encourages to curb one’s egocentrism, passions and desires, to hear and emphatically perceive the loved ones, friends and colleagues. Tenderness, understanding and forgiveness can tame even the most predacious beast of hostile life circumstances.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with Strength, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of Strength manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical grapefruit, vanilla, lilac, geranium, patchouli, cedar, saffron fragrance may help to curb one’s egocentrism, passions and desires, to hear and emphatically perceive the loved ones, friends and colleagues.

    • Scented candle THE CHARIOT


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 7 of the Major Arcana – The Chariot. It is the archetype of strong will and control. The path chosen is undeniably successful, the right decisions are made and the right direction is taken, but in order to achieve victory it is necessary to hold the reins firmly. Hold on to your path and don’t give in to emotions, act and reach for your goals – you will succeed! The Chariot does not carry you on a journey around the globe in search for yourself, it simple takes you from A to B. You know the destination, therefore don’t look around.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Chariot, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Chariot manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical helichrysum, mimosa, orchid, coriander seeds, pine, oriental spices, myrrh, ambergris fragrance may help to hold on to your path and don’t give in to emotions, act and reach for your goals.

    • Scented candle THE HANGED MAN


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 12 of the Major Arcana – The Hanged Man. When it seems that the whole world is against you, sometimes there’s no need to prove your truth. You know and understand it, and other will grasp it when time comes. Sometimes you have to know how to wait. You don’t need to rush with the others, it’s better to follow your own plan. The Hanged Man is a moment of calmness before the storm and important changes that need time to ripe and that have to be anticipated patiently. The Hanged Man is the archetype of tranquility, waiting, spiritual growth and preparation for changes. Don’t rush, don’t try to bang your head into the wall of stubbornness and stupidity of others.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with The Hanged Man, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Hanged Man manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical mint, lime, green tea, geranium, opium, myrrh, ambergris fragrance may help you not to rush, not to try to bang your head into the wall of stubbornness and stupidity of others.

    • Scented candle THE TOWER


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 16 of the Major Arcana – The Tower. The archetype of the Tower symbolizes a person’s overgrown ego and overly big personal ambitions for which the person will be unavoidably punished. Those who rise high, fall low. It is an earthquake that shatters the foundation of life. Such avalanche threatens a person who is overly proud about his or her achievements and when his or her pride becomes too large. Naturally, then a moment of truth comes and the undeserved “prize” is taken away. The Tower also symbolizes the will to take great risks, to demonstrate your abilities and to show off your personality, thus destroying both your own inner harmony and that of those around you and spreading destruction.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with The Tower, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Tower manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical orchid, mimosa, coriander seeds, white musk, liquorice, cedar, saffron fragrance may help you not to take great risks, not to demonstrate your abilities and not to show off your personality, thus destroying both your own inner harmony and that of those around you and spreading destruction.

    • Scented candle THE DEVIL


      We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

      The candle marked with number 15 of the Major Arcana – The Devil. It is the archetype that constrains a person with chains of earthly desires and passions. The archetype of The Devil lets you know that the material and earthly planes are becoming too dominant in your life, that you are starting to succumb to comfortable stagnation and stop striving for change, progress and growth of your personality. However, by constraining a human with chains of dependence The Devil always leaves a choice of whether to remain chained or to choose freedom and the possibility to grow spiritually by refusing only the eternal struggle for success, daily satisfaction or bodily pleasures. The Devil only tempts to accept the rules of his game, but the human is always free to choose his path. It is the archetype of pessimism, depression and cynicism, it beckons to stop believing in the world’s goodness and ideals.

      Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with The Devil, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Devil manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical orange blossom, jasmine, orange, cinnamon, eucalyptus, liquorice, white musk fragrance may help you not to accept the rules of Devil’s game and help you to be free to choose your path.

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    • × Soy wax scented candle THE HIGH PRIEST Smells Like Spells TAROT MAJOR ARCANAScented candle THE HIGH PRIEST  2 × 58,00
    • × Soy wax scented candle THE EMPRESS Smells Like Spells TAROT MAJOR ARCANAScented candle THE EMPRESS  2 × 58,00
    • × Essential oil blend HAG Smells Like SpellsEssential oil blend HAG  1 × 15,00
    • × Juniper berry essential oil SMELLS LIKE SPELLS Juniperus communisJUNIPER BERRY essential oil  1 × 13,00
    • × Tarot Cards Major Arcana collection scented candle The Fool 0Scented candle THE FOOL  2 × 58,00
    • × Soy wax scented candle THE EMPEROR Smells Like Spells TAROT MAJOR ARCANAScented candle THE EMPEROR  2 × 58,00
    • × Soy wax scented candle THE WORLD Smells Like Spells TAROT MAJOR ARCANAScented candle THE WORLD  2 × 58,00
    • × Cinnamon bark essential oil SMELLS LIKE SPELLS Cinnamonum Zeylanicum L.CINNAMON BARK essential oil  1 × 11,00
    • × Natural incense MIMIR Smells Like SpellsNatural incense MIMIR  1 × 7,00
    • × Helychrysum essential oil SMELLS LIKE SPELLS Helichrysum italicumHELICHRYSUM essential oil  1 × 27,00
    • × Perfumed home spray MIMIR Smells Like SpellsPerfumed home spray MIMIR  1 × 59,00
    • × Soy wax scented candle STRENGTH Smells Like Spells TAROT MAJOR ARCANAScented candle STRENGTH  1 × 58,00
    • × Soy was scented candle with wooden wick MIMIR Smells Like SpellsScented candle MIMIR  1 × 25,00
    • × Soy wax scented candle THE LOVERS Smells Like Spells TAROT MAJOR ARCANAScented candle THE LOVERS  2 × 58,00
    • × Soy wax scented candle with wooden wick KVASIR Smells Like SpellsScented candle KVASIR  1 × 25,00
    • × Soy wax scented candle TEMPERANCE Smells Like Spells TAROT MAJOR ARCANAScented candle TEMPERANCE  1 × 58,00
    • × Lavender essential oil SMELLS LIKE SPELLS lavandula angustifoliaLAVENDER essential oil  1 × 9,00
    • × Soy wax scented candle THE HANGED MAN Smells Like Spells TAROT MAJOR ARCANAScented candle THE HANGED MAN  3 × 58,00
    • × Mint essential oil SMELLS LIKE SPELLS Mentha arvensisMINT essential oil  1 × 8,00
    • × Vetiver essential oil SMELLS LIKE SPELLS Chrysopogon zizanioidesVETIVER essential oil  1 × 23,00
    • × Soy wax scented candle THE HERMIT Smells Like Spells TAROT MAJOR ARCANAScented candle THE HERMIT  1 × 58,00

    Subtotal: 1.266,00

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